
pension off معنى

  • حال للتقاعد, حاله على المعاش
  • pension    n. راتب تقاعد, منح ...
  • off    adv. جانبا, بعيدا; ...
  • be off    استقال

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. grant a pension to
    مرادفات pension
  2. let go from employment with an attractive pension; "The director was pensioned off when he got senile"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. pension entitlement section معنى
  2. pension entitlements and client servicing section معنى
  3. pension fund معنى
  4. pension fund number معنى
  5. pension neurosis معنى
  6. pension payments account معنى
  7. pension plan معنى
  8. pension purchasing power protection insurance معنى
  9. pension purchasing power protection insurance plan معنى
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